RapidSSL TLS certificates Buy
The cheapest, fully trusted TLS certificate from our offering that can be issued and deployed to the server in minutes, thanks to quick domain validation (DV). A RapidSSL certification authority certificate contains information about the domain only, with no other company information.

- Pricefrom £18
- Validity1 year
- Secures domain incl. www
- Compatible w/all major browsers
- Public key algorithm RSA & ECC
- Symmetric encryption256 bit
- Public key length2.048 (3.072/4.096) bits
- Root CADigiCert Global Root
- Money-back guarantee30 days
- Certificate reissuefree and unlimited
- Multi-domain support (SAN)N/A
- Warranty (USD)$500 000
Recommended certificate use
The RapidSSL certificate is suitable for simple websites and intranets; it is a great choice when you do not need webserver authentication. You can get this certificate and secure your website in minutes!
If you need higher trust and authentication, we recommend using an EV certificate (Extended Validation) or
OV certificate (Organization Validation).
RapidSSL price list
RapidSSL is the cheapest fully-trusted TLS certificate in our offer. You can try a free 30-day certificate called TrialSSL as well; it allows you to try the whole workflow - getting the certificate, installing on the server and checking the installation.
A multi-year order
Ordering for more years will save you a lot of money! You can order TLS certificates for up to 6 years. You will receive the renewed follow-up certificate every year.
- Save time. One order and payment = less administration.
- The longer the validity of the order, the higher the savings due to the decreasing annual price.
- You will receive the following one-year certificate automatically and on time, you just exchange it on the server.
Prices are without VAT.
The certificate in the browser
All the TLS certificates we offer are 100% trusted and website visitors are not bothered by browser errors.
In a web browser, secure communication is shown in the address bar using the lock icon and the letter "s" next to the http in the URL.
You can check the certificate owner and issuer by clicking on the lock. Learn moe about the TLS certificate in the browser.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Which certificate should you choose?
You can also contact us directly from your customer account by sending a request from the Authorized Request menu.
How to pay for a certificate
You can pay by bank transfer, credit card or PayPal online. See the customer account help for more information. If you have not received a payment request or have other issues, please contact customer support.