DigiCert Code Signing Buy

DigiCert Code Signing is a specialized certificate which allows developers to add a digital signature to an application distributed over the Internet. If any change in code is detected, the signature becomes untrusted and then the user is warned before using the app. By signing an application with a Thawte Code Signing certificate, users will be assured that the software they have obtained is definitely from the manufacturer.

OV certificate is saved in PC
1 Company name
Additional domains
1 day Issuing Time
100% Browser Recognition
  • PriceFrom £222
  • Validity1-3 years
  • Secures Desktop and smartphone apps
  • Compatible w/all major browsers
  • Public key algorithm RSA
  • Symmetric encryption256 bit
  • Public key length3.072/4.096 bits
  • Root CADigiCert Global Root
  • Money-back guarantee30 days
  • Certificate reissuefree and unlimited
  • Multi-domain support (SAN)N/A
  • Private key on tokenyes

Recommended certificate use

This certificate is necessary for any software or smartphone app developer. Also for developers and software companies that require their applications to be digitally signed over the Internet.

An application without a digital signature is untrusted for customers and distribution over internet (or application stores like Google Play) is not possible.

Windows System includes an integrated SmartScreen filter which blocks untrusted apps; mostly unsigned executables or apps with a low reputation. A digital signature with Code Signing certificate rises this reputation, but does not guarantee that the SmartScreen will not block your application, even when signed. If you want to be absolutely sure that the customer will never see a warning, use the digital signature with  Code Signing EV certificate.

DigiCert Code Signing price list

You can use the certificate on all development platforms because it is universal. If you are signing for a large company or have a problem with the SmartScreen filter, we recommend Code Signing EV.

1-year Price

  • CA sells it for: 539 €
  • Huge savings over DigiCert
  • A token for £65.00 must be purchased

2-year Price

  • CA sells it for: 1024.1 €
  • Huge savings over DigiCert
  • Lower price per year
  • A token for £65.00 must be purchased

3-year Price

  • CA sells it for: 1509.2 €
  • Huge savings over DigiCert
  • Lower price per year over 2-year
  • A token for £65.00 must be purchased

Prices are without VAT.

Displaying the certificate

If the application is correctly signed and trusted, no warning will be displayed to the user when they open the application. The publisher details are in the certificate and allow you to check app identity and integrity. You can find details of the certificate in the file’s digital signature properties. The signature shows the application signing date, certification authority details, timestamp, etc.

Detail of the certificate DigiCert Code Signing

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

The application needs to be signed in order to be distributed – without a signature, mobile applications cannot be issued and a desktop application the operating system would block it and prevent it from running. Therefore, signing applications is unavoidable for their distribution.

On the Windows platform, the SmartScreen filter determines how trusted a reputation is. The SmartScreen filter used to be a part of Internet Explorer and nowadays it is a part of Windows. After signing and issuing an application, it takes some time before this reputation is created. Therefore, the Windows system might want to block it together with the digital signature. The solution to such a problem is only to use a signature with the Code Signing EV certificate, whose signature is always trusted and will not be blocked.

In general, the digital signature of an application itself does not guarantee trouble-free execution for users. For example, Java applets raise security warnings by nature of their platform, which is not considered too secure.
The signature can be done on any platform able to do it. Signing takes place through the given development platform's tools, referring to the repository containing the certificate.
The Code Signing certificate can be signed by a code and applications for any platforms, it is not bound to one. Its typical use is for Microsoft Authenticode, but you can also sign Java applications with it.

From the perspective of the development environment, it again does not matter - the Code Signing certificate will work with any development environment that supports application and code signing. Windows typically uses Signtool, which is a part of the Windows SDK.

DigiCert Code Signing certificate and DigiCert Code Signing EV certificate are both issued on a token and therefore need for signing a Safenet support application, which is available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Summary of Code signing certificates in our offer

Code Signing certificate Our price CA price Level of trust SAN/UC Issuing Time Validity (years) Buy
Prices are without VAT.
DigiCert Code Signing From £222 539 € OV N/A 1 day 1-3 Buy
DigiCert Code Signing EV From £533 755 € EV N/A 3-5 days 1-3 Buy